Montag, 18. Juni 2007

17 things I learned about Asian-Americains

1. chinese-americains are the biggest group of asian people in america.
2. asian americains have to fight with racism
3. many americains hate them for being different, and this is supported by courts.
4.Most Asian Americans shared a sense of guilt and shame about the Virginia
tech massacre and most of the fear racial backlashes
5.many Asian American people have become famous stars in the USA
( Chackie Chan, Bruce Lee, Lucy Liu, George Takei etc.)
6. every group of Asian Americans has got a very interesting history and culture
7.after the Virginia Tech Massacre many Koreans have been afraid of beeing
victims of racist hate
8. the immigration history of the Asian Americans are deeply rooted in the
evolution of the US and Asia
9. 24 people died during the L.A. Race Riots on April 29th 1992
10. there are many laws against asian americain immigration
11. the soldiers of the 442nd have all been Japanese Americans and truly
12. i got to know know what "shikatta go nai , gambatte, kodomo no
tameni" means ( it can't be helped, hold on, for the sake of our children )
13.during WW II 120.000 Japanese Americans have been brought
to internment camps
14. there are seperate citys where asian americains live: f.e. chinatown
15. that filipinoamericains invented the jojo
16. that there are notable asian-a writers.
17.that most of filipinos-a came to california

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